Tricks and acrobatics
Family Trick Class "Perhetemppu"
A fun and active session for the whole family!
In this class, children move and explore gymnastics together with an adult in a fun and age-appropriate way. The focus is on developing fundamental motor skills through diverse activities, including obstacle courses, energetic games, movement to music, various gymnastics equipment, partner acrobatics, and apparatus exercises.

Trick School (ages 3-6) "Temppukoulu"
A Fun Movement Session for Preschoolers
Trick Sckool is a versatile physical activity class for preschool-aged children, where they practice fundamental movement skills and physical abilities in a playful and age-appropriate way. In the classes, we play active games, use various obstacle courses and gymnastics equipment, and introduce the basics of acrobatics and artistic gymnastics. Trick School allows children to experience the joy of movement with excitement and rosy cheeks. It serves as a great first independent hobby, providing a foundation for continuing with trick acrobatics, parkour, or different gymnastics disciplines.

Trick Acrobatics (ages 6-13) "Temppuakro"
Acrobatics for School-Aged Children
In Trick Acrobatics, children practice floor acrobatics, such as handstands, headstands, cartwheels, forward rolls, and bridges, as well as aerial acrobatics and apparatus tricks on equipment like the horizontal bar, rings, and ropes.
Learning new tricks and acrobatics courses are part of every class.
The sessions also include playful activities and exercises to develop physical abilities.

NinjaGym (ages 5-10) "Ninjagym"
NinjaGym combines gymnastics, strength training, flips, and parkour with less waiting and more action!
Classes focus on developing fundamental motor skills while learning the basics of flips and acrobatics. Each session includes adventure courses and exciting tricks. NinjaGym can be a child's first introduction to gymnastics or a great next step after other groups.

Parkour (ages 5–13) "Parkour"
An action-packed mix of jumping, climbing, and tricks!
Parkour focuses on moving smoothly and efficiently through obstacles using jumps, vaults, climbs, flips, and more. Classes start with a dynamic warm-up, followed by skill training based on the group’s seasonal plan.
Everyone is encouraged to learn at their own pace—come and give it a try!